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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • sathyaraj
    09-27 02:31 PM
    Hi, My wife has started working on EAD as an individual contract employee and her employer is asking to complete W9 form. But in the form it says that only US citizen can complete that form. Also it asks for backup withholding. I am not sure what it is.

    I am confused now. I know that EAD has no restriction in employment. Pl. help.

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  • RNGC
    04-07 04:44 PM
    Ok, winter is winding up and summer is here..:):)

    There is going to be lots of Indian cultural festivals/Independence day celebrations etc, etc... many opportunities to meet many EB immigrants in these festivals....I have lived in Texas and easily 10k people go to Anand Bazaar (India�s Independence day celebrations)

    If all the State chapters co-ordinate a membership campaign, it will be a great success...We should aim at 100k count by this fall..

    CAN WE DO IT, let me hear a big YESSSSS ?

    We have to come out with a nice one page IV brochure, probably printed in a press in recycled paper (cheaper/good for environment) and circulate in all these functions /festivals. The brochure should explain who we are/what we do/what we have achieved so far(lot), and how EB immigrants will get immense benefit from our forums etc etc...

    Are you all ready ?

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  • Macaca
    11-24 09:21 PM
    In Bush’s Last Year, Modest Domestic Aims (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/24/washington/24bush.html) By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG | New York Times, November 24, 2007

    WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 — As President Bush looks toward his final year in office, with Democrats controlling Congress and his major domestic initiatives dead on Capitol Hill, he is shifting his agenda to what aides call “kitchen table issues” — small ideas that affect ordinary people’s lives and do not take an act of Congress to put in place.

    Over the past few months, Mr. Bush has sounded more like the national Mr. Fix-It than the man who began his second term with a sweeping domestic policy agenda of overhauling Social Security, remaking the tax code and revamping immigration law. Now, with little political capital left, Mr. Bush, like President Bill Clinton before him, is using his executive powers — and his presidential platform — to make little plans sound big.

    He traveled to the shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland to announce federal protection for two coveted species of game fish, the striped bass and the red drum. He appeared in the Rose Garden to call on lenders to help struggling homeowners refinance. He came out in favor of giving the Food and Drug Administration new authority to recall unsafe foods.

    Just this weekend, thanks to an executive order by Mr. Bush, the military is opening up additional air space — the White House calls it a “Thanksgiving express lane” — to lessen congestion in the skies. And Mr. Bush’s aides say more announcements are in the works, including another initiative, likely to be announced soon, intended to ease the mortgage lending crisis.

    With a Mideast peace conference planned for the coming week and a war in Iraq to prosecute, Mr. Bush is, of course, deeply engaged in the most pressing foreign policy matters of the day. The “kitchen table” agenda is part of a broader domestic political strategy — which some Republicans close to the White House attribute to Mr. Bush’s new counselor, Ed Gillespie — for the president to find new and more creative ways of engaging the public as his days in office dwindle and his clout with Congress lessens.

    “These are issues that don’t tend to be at the center of the political debate but actually are of paramount importance to a lot of Americans,” said Joel Kaplan, the deputy White House chief of staff.

    One Republican close to the White House, who has been briefed on the strategy, said the aim was to talk to Americans about issues beyond Iraq and terrorism, so that Mr. Bush’s hand will be stronger on issues that matter to him, like vetoing spending bills or urging Congress to pay for the war.

    “It’s a ticket to relevance, if you will, because right now Bush’s connection, even with the Republican base, is all related to terrorism and the fighting or prosecution of the Iraq war,” this Republican said. “It’s a way to keep his hand in the game, because you’re only relevant if you’re relevant to people on issues that they talk about in their daily lives.”

    Mr. Bush often says he wants to “sprint to the finish,” and senior White House officials say this is a way for him to do so. The president has also expressed concerns that Congress has left him out of the loop; in a recent press conference, he said he was exercising his veto power because “that’s one way to ensure that I am relevant.” The kitchen table initiatives are another.

    Yet for a president accustomed to dealing in the big picture, talking about airline baggage handling or uniform standards for high-risk foods requires a surprising dip into the realm of minutiae — a realm that, until recently, Mr. Bush’s aides have viewed with disdain.

    After Republicans lost control of Congress a year ago, Tony Snow, then the White House press secretary, told reporters: “The president is going to be very aggressive. He’s not going to play small ball.”

    It was a veiled dig at Mr. Bush’s predecessor, Mr. Clinton, who, along with his adviser Dick Morris, developed a similar — and surprisingly effective — strategy in 1996 after Republicans took control of Congress. That approach included what Mr. Clinton’s critics called “small-ball” initiatives, like school uniforms, curfews for teenagers and a crackdown on deadbeat dads, as well as the use of executive powers to impose clean air rules, establish national monuments and address medical privacy.

    “People in Washington laughed when Mr. Clinton would talk about car seats or school uniforms,” said John Podesta, Mr. Clinton’s former chief of staff. “But I don’t think the public laughed.”

    Nor does the public appear to be laughing at Mr. Bush.

    When the president sat down at a rustic wooden desk on the shores of the Chesapeake last month to sign an executive order that made permanent a ban on commercial fishing of striped bass and red drum in federal waters, people in the capital barely took notice.

    But it was big news on the southwest coast of Louisiana, where Chris Harbuck, a 45-year-old independent financial planner and recreational angler, likes to fish with his wife and teenage children. Mr. Harbuck is also the president of the Louisiana chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association, a nonprofit group dedicated to conserving marine resources; Mr. Bush’s order is splashed all over his latest newsletter.

    “We were very thrilled with what he did,” Mr. Harbuck said.

    That is exactly the outside-the-Beltway reaction the White House is hoping for. Mr. Bush’s aides are calculating that the public, numbed by what Mr. Kaplan called “esoteric budget battles” and other Washington conflicts, will respond to issues like long airline delays or tainted toys from China. They were especially pleased with the air congestion initiative.

    “You could just tell from the coverage how it did strike a chord,” said Kevin Sullivan, Mr. Bush’s communications counselor.

    Yet some of Mr. Bush’s new initiatives have had little practical effect. Fishing for red drum and striped bass, for instance, is already prohibited in federal waters; Mr. Bush’s action will take effect only if the existing ban is lifted. And the Federal Aviation Administration can already open military airspace on its own, without presidential action.

    Democrats, like Senator Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota, who runs the Senate’s Democratic Policy Committee, dismiss the actions as window dressing. “It’s more words than substance,” said Mr. Dorgan said, adding he was surprised to see a president who has often seemed averse to federal regulation using his regulatory authority.

    “He’s kind of a late bloomer,” Mr. Dorgan said.

    Mr. Bush, for his part, has been using the kitchen table announcements to tweak Democrats, by calling on them to pass legislation he has proposed, such as a bill modernizing the aviation administration. The message, in Mr. Sullivan’s words, is, “We’re not going to just sit back because they’re obstructing things the president wants to accomplish. We are trying to find other ways to do things that are meaningful to regular people out there.”

    Gillespie: Bush Shifts Approach As Legislative Window Closes (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/30/AR2007113000836.html) By Peter Baker | Washington Post, November 30, 2007


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  • Jagadish1978
    07-19 07:52 PM
    I have these below queries on Green card processing

    My Green card processing background
    My labor and I140 are approved and have priority date of May 2006 under EB3 category.

    The reason for these questions is that I am planning to change the company that I am working with.

    1. Can I port the priority date (March 2006) when applying for new green card with new employer.
    2. If possible to port the priority date can I apply under EB2 category assuming all other criteria satisfy for EB2 category and use the same (May 2006) priority date.

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  • blacklizard
    05-29 12:36 AM
    What is Image Croping? U need to understand that! The area which you will select will give you the x y co-ordinates which should be fed into the LockBit method this method will retutn a pointer. Yes the code will be unsafe but it will work i did it. Now Use the scan0 property then increment the pointer [0] for green [1] for blue [2] red and copy to any another file which will become your new croped image. I can provide you the source code snippet but why dont u try for urself first thats how people lear not by spoon feeding. Try a bit googling with search string as Simple Dialation Using C#. Have fun i had too.


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    03-10 02:31 PM
    If you can get to the soft copy of the checks usually provided by most of the banks, you can find the receipt number on the rear/back side of the check.

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  • nsnb
    06-01 03:11 PM

    I have my labor certiifcation approved and currently filed for I-140.
    I-140 is not approved yet.
    I have an offer from another employer with very similar job profile.
    My 6 yrs of H1 is getting over in 2010 summer.
    My prioriy date is Dec/07.

    What are my options
    1) Can i change a job and keep same priority date(as job profile is very similar)
    2) Do I have to start from zero again?If yes,how much time I have to get priority date assigned again(considering my H1 bgets over in 2010 summer?)

    I will appreciate your comments



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  • Macaca
    07-23 07:32 PM
    Reid's Anti-Reform Maneuvers (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/22/AR2007072200881.html?nav=hcmodule) By Robert D. Novak (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/staff/email/robert+d.+novak/) Washington Post, July 23, 2007

    When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid picked up his ball and went home after his staged all-night session last week, he saved from possible embarrassment one of the least regular members of his Democratic caucus: Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Reform Republican Tom Coburn had ready an amendment to the defense authorization bill removing Nelson's earmark funding a Nebraska-based company whose officials include Nelson's son. Such an effort became impossible when Reid pulled the bill.

    That Reid's action had this effect was mere coincidence. He knew that Sen. Carl Levin's amendment to the defense bill mandating a troop withdrawal from Iraq would fall short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate, and Reid planned from the start to pull the bill after the all-night session, designed to satisfy antiwar zealots, was completed. But Reid is also working behind the scenes with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to undermine earmark transparency and prevent open debate on spending proposals such as Nelson's.

    These antics fit the continuing decline of the Senate, including an unwritten rules change requiring 60 votes to pass any meaningful bill. When I arrived on Capitol Hill 50 years ago, Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson (like Reid today) had a slim Democratic majority and faced a Republican president, but he was not burdened with the 60-vote rule. While Johnson did use chicanery, Reid resorts to brute force that shatters the Senate's facade of civilized discourse. Reid is plotting to strip anti-earmark transparency from the final version of ethics legislation passed by the Senate and House, with tacit support from Republican senators and the GOP leadership.

    At stake is the fate of Coburn's "Reid amendment," previously passed by the Senate and so called because it would bar earmarks benefiting a senator's family members such as Reid's four lobbyist sons and son-in-law. Nelson's current $7.5 million earmark for software helps 21st Century Systems Inc. (21CSI), which employs the senator's son, Patrick Nelson, as its marketing director. The company gets 80 percent of its funds from federal grants, mostly through earmarks. With nine offices scattered among states represented by appropriators in Congress, the company has in recent years spent $1.1 million to lobby Congress and $160,000 in congressional campaign contributions. "As of April," the Omaha World-Herald reported, "only one piece of [the company's] software has been used -- to help guard a single Marine camp in Iraq -- and it was no longer in use."

    In requesting the 21CSI earmark, Nelson did not disclose his son's employment. "There's no requirement that he disclose that," a Nelson spokesman told this column. "But frankly, in this case, we didn't disclose it because it's so public." An April 24 letter from Levin giving senators instructions on how to request an earmark made no mention of the "Reid amendment" that had been passed by the Senate three months earlier but that required only certification that no senator's spouse would benefit from an earmark. Inclusion of Nelson's son, however, would be required if the ethics bill provision passes.

    When the defense authorization bill came up last week, Coburn prepared amendments to eliminate the Nelson earmark and the most notorious earmark pending in Congress: Democratic Rep. John Murtha's proposed $23 million for the National Drug Intelligence Center in his Pennsylvania district. Reid's plan to satisfy antiwar activists with an all-night debate averted debate, for now, on those two earmarks.

    Reid, the soft-spoken trial lawyer from Searchlight, Nev., has tended to suppress free expression in the World's Greatest Deliberative Body in his tumultuous 6 1/2 months as majority leader. Last week, he cut off an attempt by Sen. Arlen Specter, the veteran moderate Republican, to respond to him with an abruptness that I had not witnessed in a half-century of Senate watching. When Specter finally got the floor, he declared: "Nothing is done here until the majority leader decides to exercise his power to keep the Senate in all night on a meaningless, insulting session. . . . Last night's performance made us the laughingstock of the world." It may get worse if plans to eviscerate ethics legislation are pursued.

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  • mrdelhiite
    02-26 11:34 AM
    yes if u do a h1 transfer (and invoke AC21)..


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  • Shams
    10-10 06:47 PM
    Yes, I have received receipts for 485, EAD and AP for me and my family on 10/3.My case was filed on Aug 14th, received by NSC on aug 15th, Receipt Notice Sept 26th.

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  • gcisadawg
    12-29 05:03 PM
    I found some information that I believe could be beneficial in knowing the status of the pending I-140 case (also for I-485)

    This is called TSC Streamline procedure and a url link is given below.

    Based on that, AILA attorneys can send an email notice about the pending I-140 info. It seems like the application should have been filed prior to the processing date that shows up for I-140 for TSC. It looks like there is no 30 day window imposed as in the case of Service Requests.

    This email is supposed to inform USCIS about our pending I-140!
    Here is the link.

    Admin: Pls. delete this thread if this subject is already discussed.
    I searched and couldnt find any relevant links.
    Hope this helps!


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  • right_boy
    04-27 01:22 PM
    I was working for a telecom company. I passed 6 years and then was on 1 year extension. Meanwhile my I140 was approved. Lately i was given pink slip and then transfer my H1 to another company. i couldn't join the company since i was waiting for approval notice for my H1 Transfer. Today i received the denial notice for my H1 transfer and extension. I called to the lawyer and they told me to file for B2 as they haven't received the notice as of yet. So the reason of denial is still unknown. I was wondering what are my current options? Should i wait and file a motion for the H1 transfer denial or should i go ahead with B2? Please advise.


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    05-03 05:07 PM
    I have a approved I-360 (Batter Spouse Petition) and a pending I-485. However I got a letter in the mail stating the will revoke my 1-360 based on Section 204(a)(1) of the Immigration and nationality Act! It further states that I am not a person of Good Moral Character.

    I was arrested in Belize my home country on November 19 2002 for Harm.Which would be Assault, and charged $100.00 and released.
    This was not include in my initial application becausse it was outside the 3year period since my application was in 2007.

    So I got the court documents and I am ready to submit it! but I am not sure if I shoudl seek legal advise or just submit the required document that they want!

    They are asking for:
    1.) Arrest Report.
    2.)Copies of Cout documnet showing final disposition.
    3.) relevan excerpts of the law for that jurisdiction showing Maximum possible penalty for each charge.

    Please advise! is this something I should be feareful of?


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  • looneytunezez
    06-23 02:31 PM
    Work Visa Solution: H1B Visa, H1B Visa Sponsor, Visa Jobs, Green Card, Immigration Attorney | MyVisajobs.com (http://www.myvisajobs.com/)
    ....yep, thats the one! :) :D

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  • Blog Feeds
    05-16 07:40 AM
    Opponents of comprehensive immigration reform often point to the 1986 legalization bill as a great failure that should not be repeated. What they don't want to talk about are the great number of success stories for people who were able to become legal. One story that is making the news 25 years later is that of Ana Hernandez Luna who gave an extraordinary speech on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives where she told her own story of her life as a young undocumented immigrant in the 1980s. The Texas Observer reported on her remarks: Tuesday, after it...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2011/05/immigrant-of-the-day-ana-hernandez-luna-legislator.html)


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  • Blog Feeds
    04-07 11:20 AM
    Our friendly anti Jack has provided in the comments a couple of links to an intriguing story regarding Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (currently embroiled in another scandal - this time involving strippers and GOP money - oy!). Steele has been one of the moderate voices in the GOP when it comes to immigration reform in the past and apparently he met with a pro-reform group called the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM). Accounts differ regarding whether Steele promised to work for immigration reform and, more specifically, help round up a second GOP Senator to sponsor the reform bill...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/04/gop-head-sort-of-promises-to-support-cir.html)

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  • surabhi
    07-23 09:59 AM

    Apologize for starting new thread, but this is an urgent request and need attention.

    I need to respond to a RFE related to proving Programmer Analyst being a Speciaity occupation.

    I researched and found a memo from Terrance Way, Director INS issued a memo on this on December 22, 2000 and is available on AILA Infonet

    AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 01040603

    I couldnt locate this memo in USCIS policy guidance memoranda search.

    Can some one with access to AILA Infonet, please send me this document

    Thanks in advance


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  • REEF�
    05-29 01:02 PM
    So you signed up to post a stamp :huh:. Welcome to the forums and the colors look great :lol:.

    Blog Feeds
    10-15 06:30 PM
    Last Friday was a depressing day for me. A businessman and his daughter visited me in my office. When I asked how they had learned about our law firm, they said a lot of flattering things about how "famous" we were and about our "great" website. However, when I analyzed their case, it quickly became apparent to me that nothing could be done to help them. It was too late. The man's I-140 (EB1-3) which was submitted in April 2001 had been denied, and his former attorney had advised them to not to appeal, but to have the employer file...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/carlshusterman/2009/10/how-to-select-an-immigration-attorney.html)

    09-10 03:04 PM

    I recently received my FP appointment date, but I have to be on a conference the previous day. If everything goes well, I can arrive to my appointment without any problem.

    But if my flight is delayed or cancelled I might risk being late to the appointment. My appointment is 10:00 am in the morning, are they very strict about the timing for FP appointment, or can we go a little late if we were delayed? Can you please share your experience?

    Also, How early should we call in to postpone the appointment?

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